10 little things you probably didn't know {Alex Beadon Blog Challenge IV} « Tanya & Victor

10 little things you probably didn’t know {Alex Beadon Blog Challenge IV}

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About me…

This is no official about me page or anything professional of the sort. I just would like to share tid bits about me, myself and um, I. Not that I’m an interesting case or anything of the sort but some pure randomness of info, I think, is good for the soul.

To start off, I’m of Salvadoran heritage. What that means, is that I’m ultra-passionate, a little too loud,  and am slowly turning into my mama everyday. I speak Spanglish. Yes, ladies and gentleman, not English or full-on Spanish, but Spanglish. This means that I will often switch from one language to the next and sometimes invent words to fully encompass a moment or feeling. **I also secretly believe that Spanglish will be largely spoken by 70% of Californians within a few years..(Quote me on that)**Also, I inherited my dad’s large diaphragm which as a result, I can sing up to 5 octaves almost 6 with of course proper warm-ups. (Random Fact: Mariah Carey sings up to 8 octaves). This also doesn’t help my loudness–sometimes it repels people–I know I try really hard to be as soft-spoken as possible.

I used to be a paralegal on the fast track to law school but the hours were brutally exhausting. I even gained weight as a result of that 7-7pm lifestyle. After quitting my paralegal job, I set my eyes on living a healthier lifestyle. But really healthy, not like I’m going to lose xx amount of pounds, more like honoring my body as a temple and not a trash can. Thus, I drink a green smoothie everyday without fail even in Maui. Last year, I can proudly say I lost 35 pounds! Although, I’m now gaining weight but not the unwanted kind, more like muscle mass. Yup, I’m cross fit girl and I’m addicted. I have more sports bras than underwear bras and I love it. I don’t press 115 like some of the gals (*eyewink*) but I’m in a process to getting there.

I’m a sap for British cinema and sometimes even start speaking in a British accent out of nowhere. I’m a die hard fan of Downtown Abbey. Go team Matthew. I love to travel but hate absolutely hate flying. I feel that flying doesn’t comply with my controlling issues. I almost have heart attacks when there’s turbulence. As a result of my love for travel and people, I really want to work for  UNICEF one day volunteering.

I really can’t say anything else other than I’m a mesh of various different elements, but then again who isn’t?

(Excuse the lack of numbers, I’m not a numbers kind of girl).

Till next time…Aloha

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