How I Proposed to my Wife Pt. 2 « Tanya & Victor

How I Proposed to my Wife Pt. 2

By ©Victor Rodriguez


Anniversary session by ©Kristine Herman

Are you ready? Here goes the second part. (If you missed it, read part 1 here).

Like I mentioned, finding a place to ask Tanya to be my wife was not easy to find. The place had to be special for the two of us.

So this is how it went. The evening was sunny but cold, and our majestic orange friend (an international orange) was strongly visited by the wind as expected at that place. For that same reason, to convince Tanya to park and to get out was not easy. Especially because she didn’t wear the right clothes to bear the freezing weather, remember it was a surprise that was brewing for months.


One of our first pictures together

I remember after convincing her to be able to park my old friend companion of road battles and adventures, Jedi (my old black Volkswagen and first car ever). The first excuse that I came up with was that I wanted her to have a beautiful view of the Golden Gate. With enough force, we were able to make it to the middle part of the bridge (of course on the pedestrian side) and that’s where I wanted to ask her something. I remember that Tanya would say to me “hurry up! I’m so cold!” I don’t remember the cold so much, maybe it was the nerves, but what I couldn’t let go of while we walked on the bridge was the ring. I kept it in a black velvet box. How would I have loved to have my macro lens to photograph it before gifting it to her or have counted on someone to capture this moment with their camera.

One day I will have to narrate our story to our future children. Well, this love scene remains present in my mind and in my heart, which merits to be turned into a movie but it also marked our lives.


Engagement Session by ©Donna Beck Photography

Finally, I breathed deeply, and I took out the little box from my jacket (and yes I wore a jacket), and I asked her. I simply asked her if she wanted to become my wife if she wanted to become my life-long co-adventurer and dream accomplice. Thanks to God, her answer was “yes!” and we returned walking back to the car, but this time she wasn’t just my girlfriend, she was my fiancé and my future wife.

It’s almost 10 years after, reflecting and writing these lines that I’ve come to this conclusion: God has blessed me with a great woman, and if I could go back to that place, I would ask her again to my wife.

2 tips to end this post. If you’re planning to do something similar to what I did, bring a jacket or sweater to warm her up. Also, make sure someone captures that moment through their camera.


©Kristine Delario

Until later and long live love <3





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