Say it Out loud: Serafin Love Shop Open! « Tanya & Victor

Say it Out loud: Serafin Love Shop Open!

I’m a big believer in the power of words. Maybe that’s why I have a degree in journalism. I believe that whatever you say out into the universe will find it’s way back to you. Some people call it affirmations, others call it declarations, and the rest of us have maybe heard it called as the power of the mouth. My take is that whatever you call out, whether it’s something negative or something that you’re anxiously praying for it will come out to be.

I’ve been a firsthand witness to the power of words. Sometimes unintentionally. Realizing this, Victor and I will say things that we’re grateful for that we don’t necessarily have at that moment. Like, “I’m grateful for the big house we own” or “I’m grateful for having all of our family with us” and we’ve seen giant steps happen for making this come true.

Back in my college days, I loved drawing and writing. I still do. So, I decided to incorporate my love for this medium and share it with all of you. I’ve created pieces of printable art to grace your home, workspace and any piece of wall real estate that needs a little love. They’re pieces that will remind you to make a silent prayer in your head or silent proclamations for your life. I’ve officially opened up the Serafin Love Shop. There are three pieces and stay tuned for more.

I’m also working something special with Ashley from Dinosaur Stew. I can’t wait to share that with all of you.

We remember moments not days

What is something you’d like to see happen but have yet to see it pass?





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