How to Face the Camera Head-On « Tanya & Victor

How to Face the Camera Head-On


In a world where iPhones, smartphones and tablets reign with documentary terror and entertainment, it can become a bit uneasy to the point of terrifying to pose in front of a big piece of glass lens. Sometimes being constantly behind the camera, I try to be as conscious of this as possible. Although, I can easily become oblivious when the beautiful imagery in front of me is in total and utter control of my artistic undertaking.

I was quickly reminded of this mutual ‘camera-shy’ feeling when Victor and I filmed a short ‘about-me’ commercial a week ago (coming soon). There, I was with a plan and script intact. I had everything ready–outfits picked out, make-up, hair and nails done, everything was in tip top shape until I realized I’m going to be in front a whole lot of critical viewers. The minute this struck my head, I couldn’t come up with cohesive sentences and became a nominee for the Golden Raspberry Award for worst actress. I tried to calm down and to relax, but my mind was shooting thoughts faster than Barry Allen on the Flash thereby registering in every single minute muscle of my face. I breathed in deeply, but then I saw I had Victor cheering for me behind the camera. He lit up my face, and I felt my most honest self at that moment.

It was evident; I’m not anybody else but me. Face it, “everyone is taken, just be you.” You see the minute that you try to portray something else or give off some unrealistic impression, it’s easy to lose the essence, and that is to reveal who you are. I don’t know anything else better than me. Details like wardrobe, settings and style are all important characters on the scene, but you are the lead to this story. Once you got that role down, embracing a camera becomes next-to-nothing. Feeling self-love on set gleams through any lens.

Victor captured right before we started rolling

Victor captured right before we started rolling

Behind the scenes action

Behind the scenes action

With Jamil Wallace, behind the scenes

With Jamil Wallace, behind the scenes




  1. Juliana says:

    This is simply amazing and so honest. So inspiring! Love you.