By Victor Rodriguez
We are about to start our wedding 2018 season, and it’s so exciting! For that same reason, along with Tanya we are preparing in every way possible, from our photography gear, our transportation (we got new wheels!), learning constantly, and seeking inspiration. We love what we do, and it’s of the greatest importance to and for that same reason we’re also becoming better about our physical condition into bettter shape.
This is one of the biggest things that we are integrating into our ‘getting ready’ regimen. On a wedding day, everything happens so fast. Many times the venues where we work are large estates that stretch over acres and acres of property. They range from vineyards, Ranches, hotels with various levels, or sometimes the streets of San Francisco (we love those hills). We walk (sometimes run) these properties with heavy gear and sometimes in hotter climates that can reach the three-digit temperatures. So it’s incredibly imperative for us to be in shape or at least to try be.
Many times after a long workday, my routine would be to seek refuge in Netflix or to take a short nap, until one day my beloved Tanya suggested to me to try to go for a run around the neighborhood. We live surrounded by mountains, trees (California beauty at its finest) which makes the run a lot more entertaining and relaxing, both mentally and for the soul. This was my first step; then Tanya gave me the idea to run in the mountains before work which was very hard in the beginning. Waking up at 6amish when everything was still dark makes it harder. Although I discovered at the end of workday, I had more energy than before, and I felt energized to work on more tasks afterward.
I discovered new routes; I started to challenge myself until one day my run turned into a 6.2-mile run (although it may not be big for some, for me it was the longest run) thanks to my NikeRun application. I was happy, and it only motivated me to keep running. I think Tanya saw something different in me, until one day she suggested that I register for SF Marathon. Her words motivated and woke something in me. The next step was to get the appropriate shoes to run–the Hokas Stinson Beach, they are incredibly comfortable. My shoes along with my Bluetooth headphones and the best motivation playlist became part of my training formula.
The Marathon is on July 29th of this year, and there are only three months left, and I keep training and learning. Although there’s so much content about running, diet, supplements and the right gear, there’s something that I couldn’t find online or in magazines. This was born in my heart, and it became quite clear. My source of inspiration to reach my goals, to be able to cross the finish line on the day of the marathon is my grandmother Abuelita Tini. Her journey ended at 95 years of age, and she ran it with so much love and joy. She led by example. I still don’t have my jersey design for the day of the marathon, but I know I won’t run alone–my abuelita will run with me in my heart.
PS: This one goes to you Abuelita Tini

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