St Vincent's, San Rafael Engagement Session: Natalie + Ralph « Tanya & Victor

St Vincent’s, San Rafael Engagement Session: Natalie + Ralph

Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-63

It started off as a sunny day, and I was preparing to head out with my camera bodies in check, lenses, reflectors and all the nerdy photographer equipment I carry to sessions, I was off skipping to my car with Victor. I said to myself, “yes, this is going to be great. This is going to be wonderful. Natalie and Ralph deserve this day and more!” As we kept driving closer to San Francisco, the clouds turned grayer and more abundant than before. My heart slowly steeped, “Ok, I got this. We like the forecasted light. It’s fine!” The closer we drew to Point Bonita, the more and more drops fell. I said “fine, don’t panic, it will slowly clear.” I kept recalling’s weekly predictions, Accuweather’s and my iPhone and to my anticipation, the dreaded occurred. The rain was coming down, and the wind was its silent partner in crime. My heart sank, and I knew that Ralph and Natalie drove quite a way’s away to get here. Still, I was determined to paint this the best experience yet besides the un-forecasted weather at Bay.

All four of us agreed, another location was the best alternative. I kept thinking and brainstorming, and I looked over my mental list of favorite places to shoot. As we drove, we deviated our plan to St. Vincent’s Church in San Rafael. It was warm just 20 minutes north of San Francisco, and I still didn’t understand the drastic change in weather from those few minutes of driving. The clouds opened and the day that I envisioned for Ralph and Natalie was there.

After losing 30 minutes to panic and stress, everything was settled. Ralph and Natalie grabbed hands and embraced the moment of clarity and weather bliss. I recalled how they met and their first date in downtown Pleasanton. Their first meeting was the result of an online connection. They met, and Ralph knew she was the one just on meeting her. He had no hesitation in his reply of when asked about the moment when he knew was going to marry her.

Last December, during the Christmas festivities and the town’s annual tree lighting, Ralph measured that moment with precision. Her family was present, and untainted joy permeated everywhere. He got on his knee and asked Natalie to be his wife. After a pause of sheer happiness, she responded ‘yes!’ Being just a few days shy from Christmas Day, it was the most memorable early present for both of them–getting engaged.

Recounting their love story is being able to have a piece of Christmas in July. Natalie and Ralph’s patience throughout the session, even though we changed plans, was seamless as they laughed and ran through tall grass. Her blue dress and cute kitten heels were the perfect pairs to his smile. She truly is the apple of Ralph’s eye, and he is her confidante. Victor and I are truly blessed to be a part of the wedding trajectory. December can’t come soon enough!

Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-13Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-19Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-28Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-45Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-79Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-91Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-93Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-98Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-140Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-160Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-176Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-183Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-192Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-195Natalie & Ralph Engaged ©Serafin Love-198





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