Sutro Baths, San Francisco Engagement: Natalie & Peter « Tanya & Victor

Sutro Baths, San Francisco Engagement: Natalie & Peter

2016-04-12_0001Natalie first set eyes on Peter in college. She believes it was too early to tell, but he admits, and very willfully, that it was that moment he knew he wanted to make her his wife. After five years of friendship and being together, Peter decided to put gracefully a ‘ring’ on it.

They were walking by one of the famous San Franciscan piers. Natalie was in full shopping mode and grew impatient to go on her spree. They wandered around a little, though Peter was waiting for the right cue and moment. He strategically paused. They both found themselves with the cloudless Bay Bridge view under ‘Cupid’s Bow,’ because that’s where Peter planned to strike Natalie with the ultimate spear of a question. His aim was right on the bull’s-eye as she gasped and said ‘yes!’ The planned sprees were further delayed as Natalie took this moment in full storm.

Peter being a true native San Franciscan, Sutro Baths was the place to tell the story. Their love story. Peter charmed us with stories of how he used to walk the ruins daily since he and his family used to live just around the corner. Although, the view and the miraculous sky clarity made it feel like we were visiting for the first time. They also took us back with a little bit of history, telling us how his great grandma used to swim there. From one generation to the next, the place that once served for recreative purposes would be the place that would service the gorgeous backdrop for captured love stories. Peter and Natalie’s love story specifically.

We fought against the wind, believed the weather would clear up, and that the sun would hold on to the last minutes before it drifted off to the other side of the world. Our persistent perseverance was well worth it. Natalie and Peter walked around, being their romantic selves, eliciting for some beautiful images to pass down to their great grandchildren one day. Natalie and Peter, thank you for being the epitome of happiness that day. Your gorgeous souls shined through and through. My only wish is that I could make your beauty justice. We’re counting down for your big San Franciscan affair!2016-04-12_0002 2016-04-12_0003 2016-04-12_0004 2016-04-12_0006 2016-04-12_0007 2016-04-12_0008 2016-04-12_0009 2016-04-12_0010 2016-04-12_0011 2016-04-12_0012 2016-04-12_0013 2016-04-12_0014 2016-04-12_0015 2016-04-12_0016 2016-04-12_0017 2016-04-12_0018





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