What to do when you're multi-passionate and talented {Alex Beadon's Blog Challenge III} « Tanya & Victor

What to do when you’re multi-passionate and talented {Alex Beadon’s Blog Challenge III}

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A long long time ago when I was in college (cue the violins) I had trouble figuring out my major. I loved art, but I loved writing, I loved engaging in politics studies and discussion and also had a huge heart for social justice (still do). I wasn’t able to narrow down my interests to one sole category, and as a result I changed my major not once, not twice, but three times! You can guess that this definitely prolonged my college track record, but as a result I found to know more about myself in that process. Being a first generation college student made it a bit difficult to navigate the oh-so-foreign lands of university. Amidst those detours, I thought I should just to stick to one and at the end of the day, I’m the one that’s going to make the most of it. So, I ended up in the Comparative Literature & Cultural studies department. I learned that it’s an interdisciplinary study, meaning that I was able to take my courses from social justice, theology, politics of law, Spanish, writing, etc and have it count towards my major. The department was small, but then again, most people want a major that’s going to jumpstart them into grad school or a full-on career. So, I took it on and voila, found myself at the brink of tears in my thesis presentation in front of my professors. I was presenting to them my 4 years worth of life’s work. I tied all my interests down and passed with an A+ (BOO YAH!). I love my alma matter so much that I want my kids to go there one day (go Dons!)

After graduating and realizing how dissatisfied I was with my very well paying jobs, I realized that I wasn’t inserting my interests or my passions into any of my work. I started to do photography on the side and worked full time at my church in the youth ministry, but it still wasn’t encompassing everything I’m good at. Thus, I talked it over with my hubby and family to get their insight (and of course approval) about working for myself. I can’t say that I’m fully there yet, where I want to be, but I do know I feel so much happier. I love Mondays. I love getting to work from home and I love partnering with my best friend in the many projects we’re working on. So here are a few tips and insight from me if you’re at crossroads or simply can’t pinpoint what you really like to do. Whether you’re a college student, 1st year law student, associate, or stay-at-home mom, I think we can all agree that we have been in a place of uncertainty.

I’ll never forget one of my best professor’s adage, “Find what you like, be good at it and get successful at it.” That is exactly what I think  everyone should apply. I know that that I have many interests and strengths, but found that the common denominator was that I like to work with people; either one on one or in a group setting.

So take each step with pre-caution and time.

Step #1 Figure out what you like to do. What do you find yourself doing in your spare time? What is that one thing that you’re so eager to do, come Friday? List them out. Whether it’s surfing, hiking, DIY crafts and art projects, teaching quality life lessons to your kids, planning your wedding, etc, etc.  This can also range from your real talents, maybe you’re a good sketch artist, or maybe you make amazing typography designs– whatever it may be, list it out.

Step#2 Find the common denominators. Now this isn’t a math problem or formula, but really think about this. What are the common threads that are across the board in all of your interests? Note if there are any similarities. There should be at least one. If you find that your interests are drastically different, think about which activity you prefer doing over the other, or which one you lean towards more. Highlight the aspects of each talent and activity. Which skills do you use?

Step#3 Decide if you would like to seriously pursue this interest, passion, activity, or talent of yours. Ask yourself if you can see yourself doing this for a while. Then think whether this can evolve into other opportunities and areas of interests. Maybe consider whether it can grow into something bigger requiring more skills sets and strengths.

Step #4 Incorporate more of this interest/activity/talent into your life. Factor in time restraints,budgets and anything else that may be required. This step is really important, if you fail to take action then you will see very little advancement from the place that you started. Meanwhile, for some this might have to create new lifestyle changes, which may be uncomfortable and totally satisfying.

Step 5# Now, if at this point you seem clear-headed in the direction you want to take or not, consult with your loved ones. I cannot stress this enough. They are your support system and will be there for you unconditionally, so their insight is invaluable to your decisions. Communicate very wisely and prudently your newfound interests and intentions. I found that my family was very supportive but also very aware of the impact it would take on my time, energy and resources. I honor their preoccupations and check in with them as much as I can, so I can be held accountable–not for their sake, but for mine.

Step 6# Requires another post…so stay tuned.

Each step was written in very simplified terms, but I know that this is no easy ‘how-to’. It’s a life changer. Whether taking on a brand-new business, new project, or more time for yourself, doing what makes you happy also makes you very unique. I write this to you in front the gushing blue waves of Maui. I’m so grateful to be here. But I also know, that I wouldn’t be here had I been too afraid to go beyond that first step.

From my heart to yours. Aloha.

My work view for today...

My work view for today…

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Thanks to JAH Almighty

Thanks to JAH Almighty




  1. Alex says:

    This is LOVELY guidance for someone who’s trying to figure out how to take all of their ideas, reel it in, and find focus. I LOVE IT! Plus – totally love your blog design *swoon*

    • tanya says:

      Alex, I’m literally screaming right now, thank you thank you thank you so much for coming to my little spot and reading…Feeling so honored.

  2. Emily says:

    Thanks for sharing :). I wish I was in Hawaii!! 🙂 beautiful view! Great article.

  3. I have one word. WOW.

    Girl you are such an amazing writer, you know how to draw me in from the beginning and I loved this so much. thank you for sharing.